Blessing Empowerment of the Wisdom Buddha Je Tsongkhapa and Commentary to the Request to the Lord of All Lineages prayer

The practice of relying upon Je Tsongkhapa is the essential practice of the New Kadampa Tradition. It is called the Heart Jewel because it is our most valuable spiritual treasure. Through receiving Je Tsongkhapa’s blessings we will easily gain deep experience of his teachings, which are like keys that unlock the meaning of Buddha’s Sutras and Tantras. If followed sincerely, these teachings can lead to full enlightenment in one short human life. In particular, the Request to the Lord of All Lineages prayer empowers our mind to gain deep insights and experience of the entire journey to Buddhahood.

Join us in Penang, Malaysia to receive the empowerment of Je Tsongkhapa and a commentary to the Request to the Lord of All Lineages, led by Gen Kelsang Rabten, the National Spiritual Director of Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

You can attend this festival in-person or online.